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Non-Surgical Instruments

Nail Nipper 5-1/2", Concave Jaws, Double Spring, Stainless
Product Highlights
  • No need to separate instruments equals a simplified cleaning process
  • Satin finish helps to reduce glare and may provide a better grip during use
  • Double-spring design helps to provide smooth, controlled jaw movement

Manufacturer: Miltex
Item#: MLT40210SS-IMC
Nail Nipper 5-1/2", Concave Jaws, Double Spring, Stainless

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Product Description

These surgical instruments are manufactured by a leading instrument manufacturer Integra Miltex and consist of the more popular hand instruments. They are forged from the highest grade German stainless steel

» No need to separate instruments equals a simplified cleaning process

» Satin finish helps to reduce glare and may provide a better grip during use

» Double-spring design helps to provide smooth, controlled jaw movement

Additional Information
Item Number MLT40210SS-IMC
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