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Blood Collection Needle Safety 22x1 1/4
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Manufacturer: Brand
Item#: BD368608
Blood Collection Needle Safety 22x1 1/4

48/Box 10Box/Case
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Product Description

The Blood Collection Needle with Pre-Attached Holder is designed to help your institution comply with OSHA SHIB 10-15-03 (Disposal of Contaminated Needles and Blood Tube Holders Used for Phlebotomy). Plus, it's ready to use right out of the package with no assembly required. Intuitive and easy to use, so there is minimal change to your technique Needle "Bevel up" orientation toward the pink safety shield provides easy identification of bevel position Safety shield is an "integral" part of the needle; eliminates the need for secondary safety accessory device Immediate one-handed safety feature activation reduces exposure time and doesn't require a hard surface for activation Safety shield design allows hands to remain behind the needle at all times Uses needle technology to ensure highest quality and needle sharpness Each holder is engraved with the words "DO NOT REUSE" and "SINGLE USE ONLY" to serve as a reminder for single-use compliance.

Additional Information
Item Number BD368608
Packaging 48/Box 10Box/Case
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