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Disinfectants & Soap

65 Opti-Cide® MAX Wipes
Product Highlights
  • 9 x 12 inches
  • Opti-Cide MAX kills tested organisms in 30 seconds to 1 minute, except on TB which is killed in 2 minutes
  • Kills the dangerous ESKAPE and ESKAPE MDRO organisms in 1 minute
  • Safe on clinical surfaces such as acrylic, aluminum, brass, copper, stainless steel, chrome, plastics and more.

Manufacturer: Micro-Scientific
Item#: MSM60038
65 Opti-Cide® MAX Wipes

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Product Description

Opti-Cide® MAX is the next evolution in Micro-Scientific’s surface disinfectant offering. Opti-Cide MAX is the best alternative for an everyday, multiple-use surface disinfectant. It is fast, broad spectrum, compatible with surfaces and an excellent cleaner.

» 9 x 12 inches

» Opti-Cide MAX kills tested organisms in 30 seconds to 1 minute, except on TB which is killed in 2 minutes

» Kills the dangerous ESKAPE and ESKAPE MDRO organisms in 1 minute

» Safe on clinical surfaces such as acrylic, aluminum, brass, copper, stainless steel, chrome, plastics and more.

Additional Information
Item Number MSM60038
Packaging 12/CS
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