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Cyanocobalamin B-12 USP 1,000mcg/mL 30mL
Product Highlights
  • Gastrointestinal pathology, dysfunction, or surgery, including gluten enteropathy or sprue, small bowel bacteria overgrowth, total or partial gastrectomy
  • Fish tapeworm infestation
  • Addisonian (pernicious) anemia
  • Malignancy of pancreas or bowel

Manufacturer: American Regent, Inc.
Item#: NDC0517-0130-05
Cyanocobalamin B-12 USP 1,000mcg/mL 30mL

Unit of Measure:

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Product Description

Cyanocobalamin is indicated for vitamin B12 deficiencies due to malabsorption which may be associated with the following conditions:

» Gastrointestinal pathology, dysfunction, or surgery, including gluten enteropathy or sprue, small bowel bacteria overgrowth, total or partial gastrectomy

» Fish tapeworm infestation

» Addisonian (pernicious) anemia

» Malignancy of pancreas or bowel

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Item Number NDC0517-0130-05
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