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Hb 201 Microcuvette 100
Product Highlights
  • Produce accurate results in less than a minute
  • Utilize only 10 uL of capillary, venous or arterial blood
  • Automatically compensate for turbidity due to lipids or leuctocytosis
  • CLIA waived

Manufacturer: HemoCue
Item#: HEM111715
Hb 201 Microcuvette 100

Unit of Measure:

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Product Description

The disposable plastic microcuvette contains reagents and through capillary action is filled with approximately 10 µL of sample. Capillary, venous, or arterial blood may be used for testing. The microcuvette is placed into either the HemoCue Hb 201+ Analyzer, Hb 201 DM Analyzer or B-Hemoglobin photometer where the absorbance is measured and the hemoglobin level is determined.

» Produce accurate results in less than a minute

» Utilize only 10 uL of capillary, venous or arterial blood

» Automatically compensate for turbidity due to lipids or leuctocytosis

» CLIA waived

Additional Information
Item Number HEM111715
Packaging 100/Bottle
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